Medio STYM


  • Device for muscle stimulation and diagnosis, and therapy of different muscle disorders
  • It offers several treatment modalities: square pulses, triangular pulses, 2/5 currents according to Traebert, Russian stimulation, and classic iontophoresis
  • Besides 20 pre-set programs with adjustable parameters, the device allows a creation of 15 individual programs.
  • The practitioner can, therefore, select the parameters according to the patient`s condition and expected treatment results



The device MULTI STYM is intended to be used in hospitals, health centers and sport clubs.


Output shapes:

Pulse Shape

Russian stimulation:
- Medium frequency current
- Carrying frequency 2.5 kHz
- Pulse train duration 5 to 9999 ms
- Amplitude 0 to 120 mA

- Alternate direct current
- Carrying frequency 8 kHz
- Duty cycle 85%
- Amplitude 0 to 39 mA


Square pulses

Triangular pulses:
- Pulse train duration 0.2 to 1999 ms
- Pause duration 5 to 9999 ms
- Amplitude 0 to 76 mA

Square pulses according to Traebert:
- Pulse duration 2 ms
- Pause duration 5 ms


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